Training content and materials development
The main objectives of this work package are:
Design of ESG Course Curricula: a training program syllabus that can effectively address the identified needs of fintech and financial sector enterprises concerning ESG training, while covering the identified gaps. This activity will harness the results of the landscaping activity to design an innovative training program that will address certain ESG skills profiles that will be produced based on the analysis of the ESG training needs of the finance organizations and the identification of the gaps in existing training programmes.
ESG Content Collection, Production and Development: creation of training content and presentations with accompanying notes, together with student assessment tests and supportive material for the delivery of professional ESG training at introductory and advanced levels. Options foreseen include “in-person classroom” and “remote e-classroom” formats, using a basis of slides with graphs, notes, and relevant tests. The development of training materials will leverage information collected in WP2 as part of the state-of-the-art analysis and landscaping activities. This content will be enhanced as required to meet the identified needs in line with the design of the training program. This activity will also include the processing and preparation of the content for delivery to WP4 for integration into the training framework platform. The training content and materials will be available in the 4 languages of the consortium: English, French, Estonian and Slovenian. The partners are responsible for the translation of these content and materials.
Course Evaluation and Validation: specification of grading and certification criteria, to enable the ultimate assessment of the trainees' performance. These objectives contribute to the general objectives by developing, curating, and providing training content that addresses the needs of the target groups for adult professional education while enabling the trainees' assessment and certification.
ESG Course Curricula
Module 1: Introduction to ESG
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of ESG
Chapter 2: Importance of ESG in Modern Finance
Chapter 3: Global ESG trends and their influence on investment strategies and innovation in the finance industry.
Module 2: The Elements of ESG
Chapter 1: Ecological Influences
Chapter 2: Sociocultural Influences
Chapter 3: Governance Considerations
Chapter 4: Case Analyses
Module 3: Regulatory Framework and ESG Reporting Standards
Chapter 1: Key ESG Regulations
Chapter 2: Overview of Reporting Frameworks
Module 4: Technology and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
Chapter 1: Utilising Technology for ESG Data Management and Analysis
Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Chapter 3: Financial Technology Case Studies
Module 5: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations for Investors
Module 6: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for Report Preparers
Module 7: Leadership and Advocacy in ESG
Chapter 1: Leadership in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
Chapter 2: Stakeholder Engagement
Chapter 3: Fostering an ESG Culture
Detailed curriculum with learning objectives in comming soon (feb. 2025).
Training content
Coming soon - planned in 2025.