Training content and materials development


The main objectives of this work package are:

ESG Course Curricula


Module 1: Introduction to ESG

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of ESG

Chapter 2: Importance of ESG in Modern Finance

Chapter 3: Global ESG trends and their influence on investment strategies and innovation in the finance industry. 

Module 2: The Elements of ESG

Chapter 1: Ecological Influences

Chapter 2: Sociocultural Influences

Chapter 3: Governance Considerations

Chapter 4: Case Analyses

Module 3: Regulatory Framework and ESG Reporting Standards

Chapter 1: Key ESG Regulations

Chapter 2: Overview of Reporting Frameworks

Module 4: Technology and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Chapter 1: Utilising Technology for ESG Data Management and Analysis

Chapter 2: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 

Chapter 3: Financial Technology Case Studies


Module 5: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations for Investors

Module 6: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) for Report Preparers

Module 7: Leadership and Advocacy in ESG

Chapter 1: Leadership in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

Chapter 2: Stakeholder Engagement 

Chapter 3: Fostering an ESG Culture

Detailed curriculum with learning objectives in comming soon (feb. 2025).

Training content

Coming soon - planned in 2025.